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- From psychospy@ping.com Tue Dec 20 12:31 EST 1994
- Return-Path: <psychospy@ping.com>
- Message-Id: <199412191855.NAA23831@ping.ping.com>
- Date: Mon, 19 Dec 1994 11:18:20 -0800
- From: psychospy@ping.ping.com
- Subject: Groom Lake Desert Rat #20
- Content-Type: text
- Content-Length: 21955
- THE GROOM LAKE DESERT RAT. An On-Line Newsletter.
- Issue #20. December 19, 1994.
- -----> "The Naked Truth from Open Sources." <-----
- Direct from the "UFO Capital," Rachel, Nevada.
- Written, published, copyrighted and totally disavowed by
- psychospy@aol.com. See bottom for subscription/copyright info.
- In this issue...
- ----- UFO RELEASE: TEN TIMES O.J.? -----
- One statement made by Glenn Campbell on the Larry King "Live from
- Area 51" special on Oct. 1 seems to have upset a lot of UFO buffs
- (confirming to some that Campbell must be a government agent).
- Here is a transcript of the last few minutes of the two-hour show,
- pretty much summing up the position of each guest.
- LARRY KING: "Glenn, do you think they'll come to Washington and
- say 'Hello'?"
- GLENN CAMPBELL: "I have the feeling, personal[ly], that they
- probably obey the Prime Directive--That's from Star Trek.--that
- they should leave us alone and let us conduct our own lives. They
- seem to not want a lot of attention."
- DR. STEVEN GREER: "Let me say, though, that I do think that
- within the decade that it is likely that an undeniable event will
- transpire. There [is] the proliferation of video cameras and
- other technologies such that some of the events that have happened
- in the past decades, if they were to happen now in 1994, there is
- a higher and higher chance that this would result in undeniable
- evidence."
- KING: "Are you encouraged that this administration would help?"
- DR. GREER: "Yes."
- KING: "Therefore you think that President Clinton does not now
- know what you may know."
- DR. GREER: "I really shouldn't comment on that."
- [Awkward pause.]
- STANTON FRIEDMAN: "That's a mysterious comment."
- DR. GREER: "What I think is that the current administration, the
- cabinet level people are probably not informed to the level that
- they should be. And to the extent that they have been informed,
- it is probably disinformation not information."
- KING: "Kevin, optimistic or pessimistic?"
- KEVIN RANDLE: "Looking at the history of the government, I'm
- fairly pessimistic. I think it will take some kind of outside
- event to make us learn what is really going on."
- KING: "Glenn?"
- CAMPBELL: "I'm neither optimistic or pessimistic. If the story
- hits, it will cause a big stir in the media for a while, but we'll
- go back to our regular lives."
- KING: "Just for a while? Come on. Hard Copy would be there
- tomorrow morning up in Pluto."
- CAMPBELL: "Picture the O.J. Simpson brouhaha and multiply that by
- ten, and maybe you might have the UFO thing."
- KING: "Sex in space."
- DR. GREER: "I think it will be bigger than that, and I think that
- what you'll see is a transformation in the way we look at
- ourselves as a people. People will evolve into a global society
- instead of national ones."
- KING: "Are you optimistic?"
- DR. GREER: "Yes, I'm very optimistic in fact."
- KING: "And you, Stanton?"
- FRIEDMAN: "I'm optimistic. I am concerned that the American
- people are nowhere near aware enough of how much stuff is being
- covered up as we speak--the huge black budgets, all the documents,
- that scares me."
- KING: "Thank you all very much for being a terrific panel and for
- participating on this show that started in daylight and ended in
- darkness. [...] We also want to thank everyone associated in
- this wonderful little spot on this treasured earth called Rachel,
- Nevada, for their wonderful cooperation, and this great crew as
- well, our producers and the entire staff. Thanks for joining us;
- have a great time and.... [looking heavenward] bye.
- Through the pulling of strings, Psychospy had obtained a pass to
- the Larry King set, erected in the desert across the street from
- the Little A'Le'Inn in Rachel. We lurked in the shadows during
- the rehearsal and show, monitoring the radio traffic of the
- control room and camera operators. There were a half-dozen
- cameras: A camera on a moving dolly, a camera on a 20 foot boom,
- a camera behind Larry, three cameras facing the stage, and a
- camera on a hilltop a half-mile away. From the outside, it looked
- like a graceful ballet of cameras dancing hither and yon, but we
- pitied the guests: You couldn't pick your nose without the world
- watching.
- Anyway, upon return to our Research Center, we found some forty
- messages on our answering machine, and the phone continued to ring
- all night. Most of the callers were very angry and said: "I've
- tried the 800 number and can't get through. Why won't you people
- take my call? I've got important information about the government
- cover-up that must get on the air."
- One message on our machine came from a Lieutenant Colonel at Fort
- Dix Air Force Base in New Jersey asking us to return his call. We
- didn't bother, since we knew Fort Dix was an Army base.
- The next most common kind of call were anonymous voices accusing
- Campbell of being a government agent. These were deep breathers
- mostly, who left epithets and cryptic threats on the tape and then
- hung up. The most coherent were similar to the email message
- quoted in DR #18:
- "The show is off the air 10 minutes and I am left with the
- feeling that Glenn Campbell works for the government. I have no
- evidence to that fact, I am new to this whole line of information,
- but Mr. Campbell in my opinion seemed to soft-peddle the entire
- affair in a much too uncomfortable way for me to give him any
- credibility."
- Other messages, faxed or mailed to us from supporters and
- detractors alike, seemed to focus on Campbell's "O.J." comments.
- "Only ten times O.J.?" they said. We're talking about the BIGGEST
- NEWS EVENT IN HISTORY. If the government releases info about
- UFOs, it could SHATTER OUR INSTITUTIONS. World religions will
- CRUMBLE--or, alternatively, church attendance will skyrocket as
- humanity tries to come to grips with the fact that IT IS NO LONGER
- THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. World financial markets will fall
- into VIOLENT TURMOIL and may even COLLAPSE when investors realize
- that alien technology instantly makes ours obsolete. There will
- be RIOTS AND LOOTING in the streets as humans see the
- meaninglessness of our earthly laws. Millions of people will
- COMMIT SUICIDE, while others will refuse to go to work when they
- realize just how small and meaningless their lives really are in
- scheme of the universe.
- Other correspondents sent us la-dee-da predictions, not unlike Dr.
- Greer's, suggesting that knowledge of the alien presence would
- draw all of humanity together into one loving, cooperative entity
- singing "Kumbaya."
- "Balderdash!" we reply. We may disagree with Campbell from time
- to time, and we are not ready to announce that any aliens actually
- exist, but we think his nonchalance, at least on a philosophical
- level, deserves our defense.
- ..... THE REAL EFFECT .....
- Human history has always been filled with major disruptions and
- uncertainty, and still we have bounced back to at least an
- adequate level of functioning. Any alien presence or agenda, no
- matter how sinister, must pale in comparison to the truly evil
- things that humanity had afflicted upon itself over the centuries.
- Take the Second World War, or any war for that matter: How could
- the aliens, who seem clinical and disinterested at best, possibly
- cause as much disruption to society as people systematically
- blowing each other's heads off?
- Most people's lives are irrational and meaningless enough anyway
- that it is hard to imagine that any release of information will
- push them over the brink. Some people, already unstable, may
- indeed commit suicide, just like during every big snowstorm a few
- precarious senior citizens pass away; the notion of them jumping
- off cliffs like lemmings is ridiculous. Humans are creatures of
- habit and convention. They will continue to do what they are
- doing now unless they are physically prevented from it. All the
- profound philosophical and technological implications of alien
- life would be absorbed only over time, at the rate that
- individuals and society are prepared to change.
- Religions seem like the least likely institutions to be affected.
- Religious beliefs are based on faith and often fly in the face of
- reason anyway, so no amount of data is likely to change them. We
- can expect only a temporary instability as leaders of the major
- faiths race around to find the alien references in their
- scriptures to prove that they had the idea first. (We'd place our
- money on the adaptive and media savvy Mormons to easily win this
- P.R. race.)
- The aliens have been variously described as centuries or even
- millennia ahead of us in technology. As such, we can't expect
- that much of their gadgetry will be immediately useful or
- reproducible by us. It is like giving a transistor radio to a
- cannibal on a remote desert island. First of all, he's got no
- stations to listen to. If he is very clever, he might be able to
- figure out how the radio works, but he certainly doesn't have the
- ability to reproduce it with the tools or materials at hand. In
- all, the technology is so advanced as to be almost meaningless to
- the cannibal, who would much prefer a new spear or juicy
- missionary.
- Thus, the earthly economy and financial markets would probably
- remain stable for many years. People will still need to feed,
- clothe and house themselves in the traditional manner. Alien
- technology will not immediately bring down the price of the
- Pentium chip or obviate the human need for air travel to sunny but
- meaningless tourist destinations. Money will retain its perceived
- value, and Las Vegas, like other religious sites, will continue to
- prosper as a place for people to trade their money for the slim
- hope of salvation.
- The only guaranteed effect of any alien revelations would be an
- increase in television viewership. Television is our society's
- guiding light in any time of crisis or change. People will want
- to know what Dan Rather and Peter Jennings have to say about the
- aliens, although they will probably produce only the obvious
- platitudes: Yes, they could blow us out of the solar system if
- they wanted, but they haven't done it yet, so they probably aren't
- a major threat. Dan and Peter will only be killing time before
- cutting to Washington for the long-awaited Big Announcement by the
- President of the United States. Of course, by the time the
- President announces something, you know it will be old news,
- having already circulated on the tube for some time. Still, the
- people need a leadership figure to offer them the same platitudes
- as Rather and Jennings, but with the strength and authority of the
- Man in Charge. The President's popularity rating will soar that
- night as people cling to their leader, although it will probably
- fall again to its original level before the next election.
- Most ufologists seem to be basically schizoid about the release of
- UFO information. On the one hand, they say that the government
- MUST tell what it knows and that the people have a fundamental
- right to the data. On the other, they say the news will probably
- send society spiraling into anarchy, destroy our economy, religion
- and government and drive people to mass suicide. That is not the
- message to send to encourage the government to comply.
- What we are talking about is only information, no more dangerous
- or destructive than how we choose to interpret it. If prominent
- UFO researchers run through the streets yelling, "It's the end of
- our society!" naturally the rest of the populous is going to
- become upset at any mention of aliens, and the government will be
- all the more reluctant to release any info. The duty of
- responsible ufologists is to help prepare society for the Big News
- by issuing only calm, reasonable statements and speaking about UFO
- information as though it were routine.
- Noisy outrage at the government doesn't advance the movement any.
- Ufologists say: The government MUST tell us what it knows, and
- when it does, heads are going to roll in Washington for keeping it
- from us for so long. No bureaucrat or government department wants
- to come forward with previously withheld information if they know
- they are going to be condemned for it in the end. It is more
- useful to recognize the government for what it is: neither good or
- evil, but a necessary part of our society composed of individuals
- who don't all hold the same views. To get what you want from any
- organization, you have to understand its needs and the concerns of
- the people who run it. Instead of railing against the government
- as a whole, it may be more useful to support the elements within
- it that share our goals.
- The disruption of society would seem to be a major concern of the
- people in charge; perhaps it is the whole raison d'etre of the
- secrecy. Politically, it should be the goal of ufologists to
- allay that fear. We want to send the message: "We can handle it,
- now." Instead of blasting the keepers of the knowledge, we ought
- to pin a medal on them, tell them how proud we are of their
- accomplishments and let them turn over the reins to us in a
- dignified ceremony before we pack them off to the retirement home.
- These people, no doubt, have been pursuing what they have felt is
- best for the country, and because we do not yet understand the big
- picture, we cannot say that they were wrong. There could be a lot
- of frightening aspects to the alien info. In real impact, it may
- not be another World War Two, but the truth could still be
- disturbing enough, emotionally, to require some courage and
- maturity to face. That it has taken so long to come out may have
- been justified, in which case we don't have to blame anyone for
- what has happened in the past, just proceed from the present.
- Of course, Psychospy is not claiming that aliens, UFOs or any
- government cover-up of them are real. We will not be pinned down
- on this point. But if they ARE real, we believe the secrecy will
- collapse very quickly when a certain critical mass of social,
- economic and philosophical factors is achieved. Like the fall of
- the Berlin Wall, it could happen almost overnight. In fact, the
- collapse of the Soviet Union itself could be the most important
- contributing factor to the fall of the Alien Wall. It means there
- are fewer bureaucratic niches in which to hide your crashed
- saucers and little gray bodies. With the moral underpinnings of
- secrecy eroding, and a million internet users now collecting data
- and making it instantly available to the world, never in history
- has it been harder to keep a Really Big Secret.
- Perhaps it is time for Psychospy to come out of the closet. In
- 1995, we hope to explore UFOs and alien issues more deeply here in
- the Desert Rat. We will, of course, remain seated squarely on the
- fence (ouch!) and let the data speak for itself. Even if there
- are no aliens, the philosophical topic is fascinating: How do we
- approach a field of knowledge that seems way beyond our current
- understanding?
- The solution? Just panic. Throw up your hands and run
- hysterically through the streets yelling, "Aggggghhhhhhh!"
- Always works for us.
- Who do you know who gets a Special Prosecutor? Richard Nixon,
- Ollie North, maybe Clinton if he is lucky. Campbell feels
- similarly honored to have a Special Prosecutor appointed for him.
- The new S.P. is Steve Dobrescu, a lawyer in private practice in
- Ely, Nevada, hired especially by Lincoln County to handle the
- Campbell obstruction case. The District Attorney, Tom Dill, says
- that he appointed the S.P. because Campbell's political activities
- were creating a conflict, but we wonder if the D.A. isn't just
- passing the buck because he doesn't like to make difficult
- decisions or appear in court. This sure must be costing the
- county a bundle.
- Now that the D.A. has excused himself from the case, it is
- interesting to note that he can be subpoenaed as a witness should
- it prove necessary.
- In any case, Campbell has talked with his Special Prosecutor on
- the phone, sent him his "press packet" and files on the case, and
- declares himself pleased with the choice. "It is a pleasant
- change to deal with someone who understands both the letter and
- spirit of the law," said Campbell. "From what I know of him, I
- think he is a straight shooter who will make his own independent
- judgment about the evidence."
- Since the D.A. did nothing for five months, and waited until only
- two weeks before the scheduled trial to appoint the S.P., Dobrescu
- requested a further delay of the trial to give him time to review
- the case. Campbell, acting as his own attorney, has agreed, so a
- new trial date has been set for Feb. 8. The world is still
- invited.
- Some readers have questioned why Campbell has not hired a lawyer
- to defend him in such an important case, given that Campbell does
- not even know how to format a motion [DR#19]. Campbell replies
- that he "wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world," especially
- the chance to strut and bluster before the captive jury. "I'm
- learning how to be a lawyer by doing it," said Campbell.
- "Essentially, the county is providing my law school. I may make
- mistakes, but regardless of the outcome, I will emerge as a more
- dangerous legal force in the end."
- It may be just coincidence, but two visitors recently accused of
- misdemeanor trespass near Freedom Ridge have pleaded NOT GUILTY in
- Pahranagat Valley Justice Court and have asked for a JURY TRIAL.
- Ryan Chivers and Jason Winget of Salt Lake City were intercepted
- by anonymous Cammo Dudes on the evening of Dec. 1, not far from
- the "Restricted Area" signs on Groom Lake Road. The two admit to
- getting lost briefly in the dark while trying to find Freedom
- Ridge and that they may have unwittingly wandered across the line
- at some point. The key question is whether they were on public or
- military land at the time of their capture. According to their
- account, the anonymous Dudes intercepted them outside the
- "Restricted Area" signs and then marched them back inside the
- border, where they were later taken into custody by Deputy
- Lamoreaux of the Sheriff's Dept.
- Unless the Cammo Dudes who captured them show up in court to
- testify that the accused were on military, not public land at the
- time of their capture, the two are simply not guilty of the
- trespassing statute they are charged with (NRS 204.200): (A) They
- did not WILLFULLY cross the line, and (B) they were not FOUND
- across the line, except after the Dudes kidnapped them back there.
- In any real world justice system, the case would be thrown out
- instantly, but this is Lincoln County ("...now leaving America")
- so we can't expect the D.A. or judge to catch on. That's why it
- is essential to request a jury trial, where at least there is a
- hope of justice.
- This trial is scheduled for Feb. 15, one week after Campbell's.
- We find a jury trial to be a compelling concept. It is a
- guaranteed right under Nevada law for any misdemeanor, but it
- won't be offered; you have to ask for it. We are grateful to T.
- Lindeman for putting us on to this concept. We regret only that
- we did not know about it in time to help the six defendants
- accused last January [DR#1, etc.].
- Imagine what would happen if EVERYONE accused of trespassing opted
- for a jury trial. This would be the best guarantee of fairness
- for each, especially when local justice and law enforcement
- officials seem so entangled in dubious alliances. Imagine a full
- jury trial, with all the trimm'ns, happening every other week in
- Pahranagat Valley Justice Court. The tiny system might be
- swamped, but if this is the price of justice, so be it. Perhaps,
- in the process, Lincoln County might be encouraged to loosen it's
- secret ties with the Cammo Dudes.
- To help encourage justice here, the Area 51 Research Center has
- just established a legal aid fund. The Research Center will pay
- all or part of the fines of any accused trespasser, provided they
- opt for a jury trial and go through the full legal process. Going
- to trial is a pain, especially for those who live out of state and
- must come back, but we also find it a excellent form of education,
- an opportunity to learn the legal system by doing it.
- This offer applies only to INNOCENT accused trespassers, those who
- did not intentionally cross the line. We cannot defend those who
- DELIBERATELY intrude into the Restricted Zone and happen to get
- caught. (What if you get so "lost" that you wander 10 miles
- inside the Zone? We would have to approach that on a case-by-case
- basis.) The fund may also be used for other legal pursuits
- relating to the dubious cooperation between the Sheriff's Dept.
- and Cammo Dudes, like securing the release of lost film taken by
- deputies for "processing" and never returned.
- Contributions already made by our generous readers to the Campbell
- Defense Fund will be transferred into the new Accused Trespassers
- Defense Fund. New contributions may be sent to us at the Area 51
- Research Center. (Please tell us your email address or Secret
- Agent Code Name and let us know whether we can print an
- acknowledgment of your contribution here in the Rat.)
- It isn't yet time to schedule our "End of the World Party" on
- Freedom Ridge. The wheels of government turn slowly and there are
- still more steps in the withdrawal process. We talked to Neil
- Talbot at the BLM Reno Office for the latest update. First the
- BLM has to respond to the ten protests raised to the "Proposed
- Land Use Amendment" (which had to be filed by Dec. 9). How long
- this takes will depend on the quality of the protests, but it
- seems likely to extend into the new year. When all the protests
- are settled, BLM could issue a "final record of decision"
- approving the withdrawal. However, the implementation of that
- decision can then be appealed to the Interior Board of Land
- Appeals--while the land, presumably, remains open.
- We think it's a riot that this action, supposedly a shoo-in for
- the military, has stretched out for so long, miring one part of
- the government in the bureaucracy of another. No matter what the
- end result may be, the military has lost this battle badly because
- it fought the WRONG battle: It fought for the land instead of for
- the hearts and minds of the people. The last laugh is, Freedom
- Ridge doesn't exist. It is an artificial public relations concept
- created here in the laboratories of our Research Center. It has
- done its job well--like a car that was supposed to last 100,000
- miles but you manage to squeeze 300,000 out of it. No matter what
- happens now we can't complain.
- We won't schedule our "End of the World" event until we have a
- solid closure date. In the meantime, however, some readers have
- expressed an interest in holding another casual get-together on
- Freedom Ridge in January. This could turn into the "End of the
- World Party" if the withdrawal process moves more quickly than
- anticipated, but for now we'll just call it an anniversary event.
- It will be a year ago in January that we unveiled the four wheel
- drive "Freedom Ridge Expressway." At the ribbon-cutting
- ceremonies--reported way back in DR#1--we welcomed aviation
- writers and buffs for a "last glimpse" of the secret base before
- the land might be closed. Hundreds have visited the ridge since
- then, including respectable journalists from all over the world,
- as well as the entire editorial staff of THE NOSE Magazine on one
- of their mindless drink-and-drive sex-house road trips out of San
- Francisco.
- The dates proposed for this anniversary event are Jan. 14, 21 or
- 28. We encourage input from those interested as to which date is
- best. We'll call this our Second-Annual-Could-Be-Closed-Any-Day-
- Now-Freedom-Ridge-Inspection-Visit. In January, the weather can
- be pleasant (or horrible) during the day, but it is too cold to
- camp at night. (Last year, the wind was calm with daytime highs
- around 50 and nighttime lows in the teens.)
- Meanwhile, the out-of-touch Cammo Dudes thought they were going to
- get the land Dec. 9. In anticipation, we hear that they took down
- the yellow ribbons marking the public hiking trail to Freedom
- Ridge, which is not yet their authority to do. Time to send
- another strong letter to the Air Force.
- "Now, I might have been temporally insane, but by any chance
- did you see those lights that started to appear around the end of
- the show? A couple of them seemed to get brighter and dimmer as
- they hovered behind those 'expert's' heads and I saw at least one
- that zigzagged across the screen. I counted around four that just
- hovered. Were those search lights from Area 51? or something
- else?"
- -- OutKast00@aol.com
- We offer two theories: (1) Headlights of cars in the distance and
- (2) moths attracted to the bright stage lights after dark. In any
- case, to avoid conflicts with the setting sun, the cameras were
- pointed to the north, away from Area 51. When Larry King pointed
- to secret base "just over those hills," it was the wrong
- direction!
- The ILLEGAL REPEATER STATION on public land reported in DR#18 has
- been removed to inside the military border. (We are not sure
- whether it happened before or after the publication of DR#18.)
- Several MORMONS on our subscription list sent us email about our
- suggestion in DR#18 that Lincoln County elections were dominated
- by local Mormons voting as a block. These big-city Mormons say
- that any political lobbying from the pulpit is strictly forbidden
- by the church. They say that it is unfair to blame the whole
- church for small-town attitudes, which might be the same in the
- rural South, where Southern Baptists rule, or in remote
- Appalachia, where folks just can't read. We agree that there are
- other theories to account for the unhappy election results apart
- from the easy Mormon one: The most prominent we overlooked is
- that, because the county lacks industry and is rich in family
- ties, almost everyone here seems to either work for the county
- government or be related to someone who does. Naturally, these
- people aren't going to vote for anyone who promises "change"
- because that could mean that Uncle Fred will be out of a job.
- ----- INTEL BITTIES -----
- PHOTOGRAPHY APPEAL. If you have visited the Rachel area and lost
- film to the Lincoln County Sheriff's Dept. (for "processing"),
- please get in touch with us. (If you have already talked to us,
- then reaffirm your presence.) This information could be important
- in upcoming court cases.
- PAPOOSE VIEWPOINT DISCOVERED. Papoose Lake, the mysterious and
- inaccessible area 15 miles south of Groom where Bob Lazar says he
- worked with alien craft, isn't as invisible as previously
- supposed. You can see the Papoose lake bed from at least one
- mountain far to the south, near US-95. Unfortunately, the
- distance from the viewpoint to the lakebed is about 45 miles, so
- you won't make out much without a good telescope--but at least you
- can say you've seen it. tmahood@netcom.com and spouse were the
- first to visit the viewpoint, discovered with the help of a
- mystery source we shall call "C". For a free copy of tmahood's
- "Mt. Sterling Guide" describing the area, send him an email
- message. (The internet impaired can send us $1 for a copy by
- regular mail, anywhere in the world.)
- got its just desserts on a 9/16 report on ABC's 20/20. In a story
- on talk-show ethics (or lack thereof), 20/20 recounted the story
- of a woman lured onto the Montel show under false pretenses, who
- was then told, on the air, that her sister had had "mercy sex"
- with her former boyfriend. Pure sleaze, but we knew that already.
- WWW SITE NEEDED. The "World Wide Web" is quickly becoming the
- hottest thing on the internet. (America On-Line promises to offer
- it soon.) You type in a starting address, and a document is
- displayed on the screen. Click on a highlighted word in the text,
- and another document is displayed, providing more details. It's
- one of the best ways we've seen to organize complex information
- and make it available to the public.
- Roland@cac.washington.edu has set up a WWW structure for back
- issues of the Desert Rat [See footer below.] but the Research
- Center has been working on a more elaborate structure pulling
- together a lot of diverse info on Area 51 and related topics (for
- example: a special section devoted entirely to "Modern Munchausen"
- Sean David Morton). Our only problem is that we need a reliable,
- low cost Web server to keep our files on. We've tried some
- commercial internet providers but haven't found what we need. We
- welcome advice from other users in finding a "home" for this
- material. (We would need direct FTP write access and require 5mg
- to start. Also, we want to be totally "above board"--paying by
- the mg if we have to--so we can stay at this server permanently.)
- NAME CHANGE. To reduce the confusion of our many names and
- aliases, our mail order arm, formerly "Secrecy Oversight Council,"
- has changed its name to "Area 51 Research Center." Frankly, the
- entire "Council" could eat from the same bowl, so we thought it
- would be more direct to call ourselves by the simpler moniker.
- "Secrecy Oversight" is still our game, but it seems that Area 51
- will remain our focus for some time to come.
- ----- ASK PSYCHOSPY -----
- Dear Psycho:
- "Are there any female 'Cammo Dudes'? If not, why not, and does
- affirmative action apply?"
- --stephenh@netcom.com
- Dear Stephenh:
- The C.D. force would never allow no bitches. Mostly solid
- white males, the pride of our country. You can see the Dudes'
- point of view, can't you? It is doubtful that women could keep up
- with the rigorous physical demands of the job (sitting around in
- Jeep Cherokees all day) or that they have the brainpower to outwit
- those clever tourists. Remember Tailhook? That's EXACTLY what
- happens when you let women in. We can't compromise national
- security or the integrity of the force. (Now don't get us wrong,
- we don't mind a piece of "A" now and then, but sometimes it's just
- too close for comfort.)
- Psycho
- (c) Glenn Campbell, 1994.
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- A catalog that includes the "Area 51 Viewer's Guide", the Groom
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- http://alfred1.u.washington.edu:8080/~roland/rat/desert_rat_index.
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- The mail address for Psychospy, Glenn Campbell, Area 51 Research
- Center, Groom Lake Desert Rat and countless other ephemeral
- entities is:
- HCR Box 38
- Rachel, NV 89001 USA
- ###